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    Ignition system

    system starting the engine
    The ignition system serves to provide reliable
    ignition of the working mixture in the combustion chamber of a cylinder-
    ditch the engine at the right time and change the time for-
    gigane (advance angle) depending on the frequency of the rotations-
    of crankshaft and engine load.

    For automotive gasoline engines used
    • contact (battery) ignition system;
    • contact-transistor ignition system;
    • contactless ignition system.
    The contact system of ignition consists of:
    • the battery;
    • generator;
    • ignition coil;
    • the interrupter-distributor;
    • spark spark plugs;
    • the ignition switch;
    • wiring high and low voltage.

    When the ignition switch closed and
    the breaker contacts current from the battery or
    the generator is supplied to the primary winding of the coil of creat-
    ganiya, resulting in a magnetic field. When
    the opening of the breaker contacts, the current in the primary abmat-
    Kyo disappears, disappears and the magnetic field around it. Disappear-
    the corresponding magnetic flux crosses the windings of the secondary and per-
    primary windings, causing the occurrence of each wit-
    cov electromotive force (EMF). Due to the large number of l-
    the number of turns of the secondary winding connected in series-
    tion between them, the total voltage at its ends reaches-
    proposed 20 — 24 kV. The EMF of the secondary winding will be higher,
    the greater the rate of disappearance of magnetic flux. From
    ignition coil through the wires of high voltage che
    through the distributor, the high voltage is supplied to
    spark the spark plugs. As a result, between electro-
    DAMI spark occurs spark discharge, flammable
    the working mixture.
    The system of ignition is simple.
    However, it has some significant drawbacks:
    • current low voltage depends on the frequency of rotation.
    with regard to the crankshaft of the engine;
    • through the breaker contacts is current significant-
    Noah forces causing great electrocorrosion-
    limited wear contacts;
    • unreliable ignition of the working mixture in the engine
    the pole comes with a higher compression ratio, the frequency of rotation.
    cluding a crankshaft and a large number of qi-
    So on modern cars wider
    the application locates the contact-transistor system
    the ignition has several advantages:
    • increase the voltage on the secondary side of the power switch-
    key ignition;

    Scheme of the contact-transistor ignition system
    • increase the strength and duration of spark discharge;
    • elimination electrocorrosion wear contacts
    • increased service life of spark plugs.
    When the ignition switch after the circuit-
    Kania breaker contacts, the transistor opens,

    as its base potential becomes lower than the potential card
    tera, and the primary winding of the ignition coil will be the prot-
    Cach current.
    At the moment of disconnection of contacts of the breaker transis-
    Thor is locked. The current in the circuit of the primary winding is sharply reduced-
    decreases, causing the generation of high voltage in the secondary
    Noah winding of the ignition coil, the pulses of which
    head to the spark plugs by the distributor.
    The domestic industry has mastered the production of anais bescond
    stroke ignition system (Fig. 50), including:
    • ignition coil;
    • spark plugs;
    plus terminal of the ignition coil

    • wire high and low voltage;
    • electronic switch;
    • the sensor dispenser;
    • ignition switch;
    • the current source.
    Electro-mechanical sensor-distribution
    piece when the ignition is on and working. -
    Les produces pulses of voltage to electronic commuta-
    tor, which converts them into intermittent current pulses
    in the primary winding of the ignition coil. At the moment the Prairie-
    tion of the current pulse in the primary winding in the secondary of
    coils induces a current of high voltage. Current high
    who voltage from the ignition coil wire delivers the-
    Xia to the Central terminal of the distributor cap and next
    via coal contact, Tokorozawa plate of the rotor,
    the side terminals to the spark plugs and spark
    the discharge ignites the fuel mixture in the cylinders of the engine
    the tell.
    The advantages of contactless ignition system:
    • increased reliability due to the absence of moving
    contacts and the need for systematic their saci-
    clean and adjust gaps;
    • no influence of vibration and wobbling of the rotor-balance
    the divider on the uniformity of the moment of sparking;
    • increased reliability of starting and engine operation at
    the acceleration of the car due to the higher ener-
    GII electric discharge, providing a reliable
    Noah ignition of the working mixture in the cylinders of the engine
    signal regardless of the frequency of rotation of a cranked
    • simplify maintenance of the system. -
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