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    Breakage of machine parts

    When performing repairs because of the broken parts
    lay, knots and units of cars destroyed parts
    changed for new ones. Such a simple replacement may not be EF-
    good, until you have found and fixed the cause
    failure. Otherwise, the newly installed item
    doesn't work put the resource time and the repair could
    but consider poor quality.
    With a sufficiently high degree of probability the cause is
    breaking up can be determined by the condition of the surfaces indicated
    mA destroyed details. It is known that the destruction is not Pro-
    proceeds simultaneously along the entire cross section of the part. It starting
    by in a certain place, where spreads
    the "body" part. Consequently, the cause must be sought
    at the beginning of process of destruction.
    The start point of fracture and its character set is
    Xia by visual inspection.
    When the fault detection parts carefully inspected
    the surface of the fracture and observed their features.
    First, inspect all the parts of the destroyed parts in
    crude form. Pay attention to the presence of traces
    impact on the component's surface near fracture zone, estimated-
    newauth color of the fracture. Thus, the presence of traces of paint or-
    a particular colour of oxidized metal at the fracture point to
    that work was knowingly installed the defective part,
    i.e. having cracks in the "body" to its operation.
    For more information about the reasons
    fracture the fracture surface cleaned of rust and
    other contaminants by using solvents, for example
    kerosene, while it is undesirable to use a metal
    fir brushes. When cleaning parts made of aluminium and its alloys
    you can't use alkalines, as they cause rastres-
    Kiwanis surfaces.
    When visual inspection is made of the pattern of the fracture,
    which cause the characteristics of the structure. To
    • the difference in grain size across the section;
    • the presence of characteristic lines in the form of scars, light or
    concentric circles;
    • the General inclination of the surface of the fracture in relation to
    the axis of the piece;
    • fibrous or granular (crystalline) structure-
    tion of the fracture;
    • the color of the fracture (matte or shiny).
    It is very important to pay attention to the surface, when-
    VH to fracture. Sagnotti edges ("neck") indicates
    on the plastic deformation of the metal before its time
    violated. The fracture surface in this case has Matho-
    vy color and fibrous structure.
    Identified by visual inspection features con-
    moving the surface of the fracture are explained as follows.
    Any destruction begins with the appearance of one tre-
    the bus interface or a network of cracks. The crack, which occurred
    the destruction is called trunk. If the highway-
    Naya crack passes through the merging of multiple cracks, in
    the rays appear fracture, scarring, fan-shaped rashomama-
    Xia beginning from the zone of destruction. On the surface
    parts near the fracture are usually cracked, pre-
    marching to destruction.
    As the crack speed its spread
    increases. Found that the greater the growth rate of the tre
    women, the rougher the fracture surface. Consequently, IU-
    CTE began the destruction of the roughness will be less than in
    the end. This fact is one of the signs by-
    allows to define the start point of destruction.
    In the area of the end of the fracture the fracture surface very hour
    it represents a stage of torn metal.
    If the details of the stress concentrator in the form of
    cracks of different origin, corrosion of isyas-
    representations, etc. failure occurs at the hub-
    of the voltages. It is important to know that in this case of plastic de-
    formation of metal missing near the fracture, and the fracture
    not sagnotti edges. Possible cause
    destruction — the existence of the defect. The surface has a metal
    chip metallic luster and crystalline structure.
    Signocast the edges of the parts in the destruction of the appears
    as a result of plastic deformation (thin places) metal
    that is usually caused by congestion in a single load-
    terms. The fracture surface has a matte color and volokno-
    hundred structure, due to the crushing of grains during plastic
    tration of metal deformation in the fracture zone.
    Fig. 153. Destruction details for different types of deformation:
    a — destruction with plastic deformation;
    b — fracture at stress concentrators
    The slope of the fracture surface indicates the direction
    action forces at the moment of destruction. The upper part of the fracture
    is the beginning of destruction.
    During the movement of cracks in sheet metal when its time
    violations on the surface fracture traces appear sometimes in
    the form of sharp corners, the tops of which indicate the place
    beginning of destruction.
    As surfaces all the kinks can be divided into-
    to pour on:
    • fragile;
    • fatigue;
    • plastic (ductile).
    Every destruction corresponds to a
    the cause of his appearance.
    Brittle fractures are characterized by the following special-
    • no sagnotti near the edges of the fracture, which is associated with
    the lack of plastic deformation in the place of the destr-
    • the surface of the fracture has a crystalline structure
    and metallic luster;
    • there are two fracture zones, one of which with
    small roughness, the other with coarse. Clear
    the separation between zones is usually not.
    Brittle fractures indicate that the reason for the development
    the agreement is the presence of stress concentrators. Itself
    the destruction in this case takes place at the hub-
    of voltages without plastic deformation.
    Stress concentrators are:
    • cracks of any origin (thermal, swar-
    nye, fatigue, etc.);
    • the separation of the metal;
    • speed the transition from one part size to another-
    • deep risks after machining, thread;
    • corrosion pitting;
    • embrittlement of metal caused by welding, termites-
    coy treatment, galvanic voltages, etc.
    Site of origin of the destruction is the focus area with the chalk-
    coy roughness. The end is in destruction
    the second zone with coarse roughness.
    This type of fracture often occurs in details of cars
    Biel. Thus, the destruction of welded joints of the frame can be
    due to the presence of cracks, lack of fusion weld root, Krup-
    Chennai area near the weld. These defects are-
    Xia due to improper welding technology.
    Cracks and krupjanye areas in shafts, axes arise
    mainly because of wrongly chosen technology termites-
    coy processing. Brittle fracture of such parts can be
    and in places with an abrupt transition from one part size to
    another thread, if there are deep scratches after fur-
    technical processing, due to incorrect design-
    her shaft or violation of technology of mechanical treatment
    CI. A smooth transition of size, increase of purity treatment
    Ki reduces the risk of brittle fracture.
    Thus, brittle fracture indicates that the
    the reason for breakage of parts is one of the
    above defects, and this should be considered when replacement is
    broken parts with new.
    Fatigue fractures are characterized by the following particu-
    • no sagnotti edges;
    • metallic luster;
    • crystalline structure;
    • special structure of the surface of fracture, it was observed-
    is four zones: the fracture zone
    mirror Shine, development zone crack, zone to-
    The first two zones are relatively rare, and it was not an entirely
    are mandatory for this type of destruction.
    The main determinant for fatigue fracture is
    is the third zone. It consists of concentric sub-zones,
    diverging from the starting point of destruction. The size of the zones and
    the roughness inside of them grow as the movement should talk-
    us to doloma. Area doloma is often represented in the form
    curbs and ledges. Sometimes on the surface of fractures view-
    NY rays, scars, spreading from the place of beginning
    La destruction. In this case, on the surface near the start
    destruction is a grid of cracks and the serve-
    if the cause of failure.
    A large number of subbands with very minor shero-
    the root mean square roughness indicates the fact that the item you are
    holding the calculated number of cycles alternating load-
    tion. Destruction details associated with the overage
    service. Detail worked the specified resource and its needs
    were replaced before the destruction.
    A small number of subbands (the number can be counted)
    rough the roughness of the inside of them is associated with overload
    details during the alternating loading. In this case not-
    necessary to establish the cause of the overload before-
    replace the item with a new one.
    Fatigue breaks occur in parts automotive
    blah, working in conditions of action of the alternating on-
    burden such as axles, brackets, etc. This kind
    destruction have frame, shaft, axle. Premature-
    tion of failure of frames is associated with the wrong technology
    welding and machining.
    Ductile fractures are characterized by the presence of plasti-
    tration of metal deformation near the fracture, which is expressed
    supplied in the thinning section detail and the appearance of sagnotti
    edges. Fracture surface has a matte color and in-
    loknyste structure in the form of tears metal.
    Plastic fracture indicates that the destruction of de-
    Tali was due overload. In this case, the need
    MoE to determine the cause of the overload that caused the destruction
    The causes of overload may be:
    • wrong calculation details;
    • wrong choice of metal lower than
    required mechanical properties;
    • destruction of one part can cause congestion
    another its subsequent destruction.
    When repairing the cause
    plastic the destruction of parts must be eliminated.
    Thus, to determine the causes of destruction
    car parts in structure to the external surface
    fracture offers some procedure to VI-
    • carefully examine the fracture surface and its vicinity
    to clean, to note features of a structure;
    • clear kink from dirt, rust with RA-
    storytella — kerosene, gasoline, etc.;
    • to re-examine the fracture surface as possible
    with magnification up to 10 times, set the type of fracture and the place
    beginning of destruction;
    • carefully inspect the site of origin of the fracture and the near-
    of zi, the presence of defects, their nature,
    the location and give a possible conclusion in mind
    break about the cause of the destruction, deletion repetition
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