ELECTRICAL equipment 2
Methods of electrical connection:
a — series connection of current sources; b — Paral-
lilinoe connection of current sources; in — consistent.. -
maintaining current consumers; g — parallel connection users-
lei current
A series connection of consumers with all the current
goes through every consumer. When PA-
ruralnom the current connection, branching, is supplied to each
home to the consumer separately. By car-
changing serial and parallel connections.
Magnetism and electromagnetism. In nature it occurs
iron ore, which has the property to attract
yourself steel and iron objects. This ore is called
a natural magnet. If you attach to the magnet steel
or cast iron items, they are magnetized. The subject-
you carbon steel retain their magnetic properties and
after exposure to the magnet. These steel pieces-
you are called artificial magnets. Magnet or-
addresses to his steel objects not only when imme-
public contact, but also on the distance of the evidence
confirmed the presence around the magnet's magnetic field. Each
every magnet has two poles: North and South. When same-
of the like poles of two magnets they otdelki-
are reviewed, and the approach of opposite poles — or-
Givaudan. The magnetic field around the magnets consists of a MAG-
magnetic force lines directed from the North pole
to the South. With magnetic tension magnetic
tion field is reduced.
If you skip through a conductor an electric current,
around it creates a circular magnetic field without expression
conjugated poles. When current flows through
the conductor, collapsed in a spiral, the magnetic field,
combine to form a spiral at the ends poles — North
and South. If in the middle of this spiral space,
to shift the core of mild steel with
good magnetic conductivity, is formed of electro-
the magnet having the properties of natural magnesium-
TA. The magnetic field of an electromagnet can be increased or
be reduced by changing the current strength or the number of turns of the spiral. With
the increase of the current or the coils of an electromagnet force-
is called the electromagnetic field. The coils are Shi
wide application in devices of electrical equipment (generators-
the Torah, the starter, the sound signal, the wiper, contacts
roll-measuring devices) of the car.
If a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field
magnet (electromagnet), the result of the interaction
magnetic fields of the conductor and the magnet, the conductor will be
to be pushed. This phenomenon is the work of electro-
In the case considered, the electrical energy has
it has been reported in mechanical. For converting the mechanical
energy into electrical energy using the phenomenon of electro-
netic induction. If a closed conductor cross
magnetic lines of force, conductor occur-
no electric current.
The strength of the induced current depends on the length of the wire
nick, the speed it crosses the magnetic field, density
In current generators the conductors are made in the form of PE-
tel. If such a loop placed in a magnetic field and rotation.
the attention, the conductor induced EMF.
On cars install generators, barabati-
equation describing single-phase or three-phase current. If the conductors
the generator, which induces a current, form one
the winding (even with a greater number of turns), then
will generate single-phase current. If the conductors
form of three identical windings located on OK-
roznosci at an angle of 120°, will inductivists three-phase versions
tion current.
Inducirowannoj EMF can also be com-
konducta. When current flows in the winding of one of
coils (the primary) creates around it a magnetic field,
which covers the windings of the coil (secondary).
When close and open the circuit of the primary winding, wok
Ruth it appears and disappears magnetic field, poyavlyalsya-
Xia or disappearing magnetic field of the primary winding PE-
rescue turns of the secondary winding and the EMF occurs,
which is called the EMF of mutual induction. This phenomenon
the work is based ignition coil. Along with crossing
of turns of the secondary winding of disappearing and appearing MAG-
magnetic field crosses the coils of the primary winding also in
which there is additional EMF.
Semiconductor devices. In the system elektrooporu-
it is apparent that the car used semiconductor device-
ry — diodes and a triode (transistor). Semiconductor
diode has the property to pass current in one direction-
Sri. The diode consists of plates or Germany
silicon, which is fused in a bead of aluminum or in
Diya. At the border between them is formed a transition layer,
having to be one-sided. Such diodes if-
change as rectifiers.
Semiconductor triode, called a transistor
consists of a semiconductor plate
base (for example, germanium or silicon), and two weld
drops, forming two zones of conductivity. The electrode
(a bead) to which is supplied a voltage, called
the emitter, and another voltage, -
name of the collector. Control of the conductivity transit-
Stora is performed by means of current supplied to the base.
Transistors can be used to enhance or interruption
tion current.
Battery, consisting of six svinto-
in-acid battery is a chemical source
nick DC and is used to supply electrical
Kim current devices electrical equipment when narabotu-
the next engine, when starting the engine with the starter, and when
the engine on small rotational speed of crankshaft
The device and principle of operation of a simple battery-
the fan motors. The simplest battery consists of a container with
held in her two lead plates, not with-
rubbing with each other. The vessel is filled with the Consum-
relic consisting of distilled water with added-
eat chemically pure sulfuric acid in a certain Pro-
the portions are. The electrolyte level must exceed the height
plates, which ensures complete use of their over-
ness. The thus prepared battery Zaria
supplied from DC generator by
connection of one plate positive and the other
to the negative pole.
When current flows through the plates and electrolyte (for-
a number) in the accumulator is the process of conversion
electric energy to chemical energy, which is expressed in about-
the education of the plaque of the active mass on the surface of the plates.
On a positive plate formed peroxide of lead Ko
Sichnevogo color, and negative — spongy lead CE
of the second color. The density of the electrolyte significantly
increases — the battery is charged. The voltage of the dawn-
proposed battery is 2 V.
When included in a battery circuit of any of the con-
the customer (s) is the reverse process of turning
chemical energy into electrical energy, and the battery post-
foam is discharged. While the active mass on the other
Goy plates turns into lead sulphate,
and the density of the electrolyte decreases. After full time
some battery charges again and the efficiency of it
To increase the capacity of the battery (stock electrical
energy) sets large number reshetka-
ies of plates filled with active mass and be-
ing two polublok. In this case, for the insulation between
do positive and negative plates set
separators are identified.
Battery consists of six lead-acid
acidic dvuhgolosyj batteries connected inter-
do a sequence, which provides an in
electric circuit operating voltage of 12 V, it is necessary-
th power for all consumers on the vehicle.
The device battery. Battery
the battery has a translucent polypropylene body,
divided by partitions into six compartments. -
be treated as a separate battery. Top accumulato-
ry closed total polypropylene cover welded-
Noah to the housing by ultrasonic welding. The cover has
hole for pouring the electrolyte in each battery
Each battery consists of two alternating half-blocks-
pouting plates: positive and negative. PLA-
Stina same polarity are welded to the inter-element
the connections (terminals) which serve for fastening the plastic
Steen and conclusions current and connect the battery between
do. Grid plates are cast from alloy of lead with up-to -
the addition of calcium and antimony, which slows down the process razlo
tion of the electrolyte and self-discharge of batteries.
To increase capacity in the grid plates prasowy-
the active mass prepared in an aqueous solution
sulfuric acid from lead oxides — red lead
(Pb3O4) and lead litharge (PbO) is positive for PLA-
Steen and lead powder for negative plates.
Same plate are connected in the half-blocks, end
cialsis pin pin pin. The half-blocks
with positive and negative plates collec-
ly in the block so that the positive plate races
rely between negative, so the last
usually one more. This allows better use
bilateral active mass of the positive extreme
plates and prevents them from warping and breaking.
The positive plate of the battery are placed in
separators, manufactured as the envelopes of thin PLA
stenovogo microporous material. This excludes their co-
short-circuit negative plates and the smaller the tol-
schina and high porosity of the separators facilitate the passage
Benidorm through them of the electrolyte, lowers the internal resistance-
tavlenie and ensure receipt of a discharge current pain
shoy force. In addition, it eliminates short circuit
plates dropdown active mass, thereby further
to provide the plate directly to the bottom of the tank without
edges and significantly increase the volume of the electrolyte over the place
the tin and thereby increasing the refilling time distiller-
bath water during operation of the vehicle.
To facilitate checking of electrolyte level in each
the battery water holes at the bottom are trubka-
tide gauges (tubes). The lower section of the indicator located
converges at the desired height from the level of the plates. When the normal
Methods of electrical connection:
a — series connection of current sources; b — Paral-
lilinoe connection of current sources; in — consistent.. -
maintaining current consumers; g — parallel connection users-
lei current
A series connection of consumers with all the current
goes through every consumer. When PA-
ruralnom the current connection, branching, is supplied to each
home to the consumer separately. By car-
changing serial and parallel connections.
Magnetism and electromagnetism. In nature it occurs
iron ore, which has the property to attract
yourself steel and iron objects. This ore is called
a natural magnet. If you attach to the magnet steel
or cast iron items, they are magnetized. The subject-
you carbon steel retain their magnetic properties and
after exposure to the magnet. These steel pieces-
you are called artificial magnets. Magnet or-
addresses to his steel objects not only when imme-
public contact, but also on the distance of the evidence
confirmed the presence around the magnet's magnetic field. Each
every magnet has two poles: North and South. When same-
of the like poles of two magnets they otdelki-
are reviewed, and the approach of opposite poles — or-
Givaudan. The magnetic field around the magnets consists of a MAG-
magnetic force lines directed from the North pole
to the South. With magnetic tension magnetic
tion field is reduced.
If you skip through a conductor an electric current,
around it creates a circular magnetic field without expression
conjugated poles. When current flows through
the conductor, collapsed in a spiral, the magnetic field,
combine to form a spiral at the ends poles — North
and South. If in the middle of this spiral space,
to shift the core of mild steel with
good magnetic conductivity, is formed of electro-
the magnet having the properties of natural magnesium-
TA. The magnetic field of an electromagnet can be increased or
be reduced by changing the current strength or the number of turns of the spiral. With
the increase of the current or the coils of an electromagnet force-
is called the electromagnetic field. The coils are Shi
wide application in devices of electrical equipment (generators-
the Torah, the starter, the sound signal, the wiper, contacts
roll-measuring devices) of the car.
If a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field
magnet (electromagnet), the result of the interaction
magnetic fields of the conductor and the magnet, the conductor will be
to be pushed. This phenomenon is the work of electro-
In the case considered, the electrical energy has
it has been reported in mechanical. For converting the mechanical
energy into electrical energy using the phenomenon of electro-
netic induction. If a closed conductor cross
magnetic lines of force, conductor occur-
no electric current.
The strength of the induced current depends on the length of the wire
nick, the speed it crosses the magnetic field, density
In current generators the conductors are made in the form of PE-
tel. If such a loop placed in a magnetic field and rotation.
the attention, the conductor induced EMF.
On cars install generators, barabati-
equation describing single-phase or three-phase current. If the conductors
the generator, which induces a current, form one
the winding (even with a greater number of turns), then
will generate single-phase current. If the conductors
form of three identical windings located on OK-
roznosci at an angle of 120°, will inductivists three-phase versions
tion current.
Inducirowannoj EMF can also be com-
konducta. When current flows in the winding of one of
coils (the primary) creates around it a magnetic field,
which covers the windings of the coil (secondary).
When close and open the circuit of the primary winding, wok
Ruth it appears and disappears magnetic field, poyavlyalsya-
Xia or disappearing magnetic field of the primary winding PE-
rescue turns of the secondary winding and the EMF occurs,
which is called the EMF of mutual induction. This phenomenon
the work is based ignition coil. Along with crossing
of turns of the secondary winding of disappearing and appearing MAG-
magnetic field crosses the coils of the primary winding also in
which there is additional EMF.
Semiconductor devices. In the system elektrooporu-
it is apparent that the car used semiconductor device-
ry — diodes and a triode (transistor). Semiconductor
diode has the property to pass current in one direction-
Sri. The diode consists of plates or Germany
silicon, which is fused in a bead of aluminum or in
Diya. At the border between them is formed a transition layer,
having to be one-sided. Such diodes if-
change as rectifiers.
Semiconductor triode, called a transistor
consists of a semiconductor plate
base (for example, germanium or silicon), and two weld
drops, forming two zones of conductivity. The electrode
(a bead) to which is supplied a voltage, called
the emitter, and another voltage, -
name of the collector. Control of the conductivity transit-
Stora is performed by means of current supplied to the base.
Transistors can be used to enhance or interruption
tion current.
Battery, consisting of six svinto-
in-acid battery is a chemical source
nick DC and is used to supply electrical
Kim current devices electrical equipment when narabotu-
the next engine, when starting the engine with the starter, and when
the engine on small rotational speed of crankshaft
The device and principle of operation of a simple battery-
the fan motors. The simplest battery consists of a container with
held in her two lead plates, not with-
rubbing with each other. The vessel is filled with the Consum-
relic consisting of distilled water with added-
eat chemically pure sulfuric acid in a certain Pro-
the portions are. The electrolyte level must exceed the height
plates, which ensures complete use of their over-
ness. The thus prepared battery Zaria
supplied from DC generator by
connection of one plate positive and the other
to the negative pole.
When current flows through the plates and electrolyte (for-
a number) in the accumulator is the process of conversion
electric energy to chemical energy, which is expressed in about-
the education of the plaque of the active mass on the surface of the plates.
On a positive plate formed peroxide of lead Ko
Sichnevogo color, and negative — spongy lead CE
of the second color. The density of the electrolyte significantly
increases — the battery is charged. The voltage of the dawn-
proposed battery is 2 V.
When included in a battery circuit of any of the con-
the customer (s) is the reverse process of turning
chemical energy into electrical energy, and the battery post-
foam is discharged. While the active mass on the other
Goy plates turns into lead sulphate,
and the density of the electrolyte decreases. After full time
some battery charges again and the efficiency of it
To increase the capacity of the battery (stock electrical
energy) sets large number reshetka-
ies of plates filled with active mass and be-
ing two polublok. In this case, for the insulation between
do positive and negative plates set
separators are identified.
Battery consists of six lead-acid
acidic dvuhgolosyj batteries connected inter-
do a sequence, which provides an in
electric circuit operating voltage of 12 V, it is necessary-
th power for all consumers on the vehicle.
The device battery. Battery
the battery has a translucent polypropylene body,
divided by partitions into six compartments. -
be treated as a separate battery. Top accumulato-
ry closed total polypropylene cover welded-
Noah to the housing by ultrasonic welding. The cover has
hole for pouring the electrolyte in each battery
Each battery consists of two alternating half-blocks-
pouting plates: positive and negative. PLA-
Stina same polarity are welded to the inter-element
the connections (terminals) which serve for fastening the plastic
Steen and conclusions current and connect the battery between
do. Grid plates are cast from alloy of lead with up-to -
the addition of calcium and antimony, which slows down the process razlo
tion of the electrolyte and self-discharge of batteries.
To increase capacity in the grid plates prasowy-
the active mass prepared in an aqueous solution
sulfuric acid from lead oxides — red lead
(Pb3O4) and lead litharge (PbO) is positive for PLA-
Steen and lead powder for negative plates.
Same plate are connected in the half-blocks, end
cialsis pin pin pin. The half-blocks
with positive and negative plates collec-
ly in the block so that the positive plate races
rely between negative, so the last
usually one more. This allows better use
bilateral active mass of the positive extreme
plates and prevents them from warping and breaking.
The positive plate of the battery are placed in
separators, manufactured as the envelopes of thin PLA
stenovogo microporous material. This excludes their co-
short-circuit negative plates and the smaller the tol-
schina and high porosity of the separators facilitate the passage
Benidorm through them of the electrolyte, lowers the internal resistance-
tavlenie and ensure receipt of a discharge current pain
shoy force. In addition, it eliminates short circuit
plates dropdown active mass, thereby further
to provide the plate directly to the bottom of the tank without
edges and significantly increase the volume of the electrolyte over the place
the tin and thereby increasing the refilling time distiller-
bath water during operation of the vehicle.
To facilitate checking of electrolyte level in each
the battery water holes at the bottom are trubka-
tide gauges (tubes). The lower section of the indicator located
converges at the desired height from the level of the plates. When the normal