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    ELECTRICAL equipment

    Basic information on electrical engineering. Modern
    the car can't work without electric current. When
    an electric current is the ignition working
    mixture in the gasoline and gas mixing engines start
    motor starter, operate light and sound-
    same for alarm, control and measuring devices,
    lighting and additional equipment.
    An electric current is called the directional movement-
    tion of charged particles in the conductor, and the force, under the action-
    eat which in the conductors of an electric current, -
    called the electromotive force (EMF).
    Sources of electric current are called such
    devices or assemblies that transform one type
    energy into electrical energy.
    For the production of electrical energy from the car us-
    Tanglewood a source of electric current generator and
    battery. The generator transforms the line-
    forge energy into electrical energy, and battery —
    chemical energy into electrical energy.
    Current sources and relay controllers
    Devices that convert electrical energy
    in other forms of energy are called consumers. Such
    the devices are lamps, the starter, electrode-
    engines of fan, wiper and heating the cab,
    the pointer of the water temperature, oil pressure in the engine and
    other devices.
    Some materials create a small resistance-
    of the passage through them of an electric current, they are called
    conductors. Good conduct electricity metal
    crystals, coal, aqueous solutions of acids and alkalis. As
    conductors connecting electrical equipment devices,
    use copper or aluminum wire.
    There are the materials are so poorly conducting electrical-
    cal current that they are almost used as nepovadno-
    Ki, or cells; these include rubber, ebonite, plastic
    weight, glass, etc.
    Substance, occupying a number of physical properties, in
    including conductivity, an intermediate position
    between conductors and neprohodnymi, referred to as semiconductor
    water experts. Some semiconductors have the property
    to form at the boundary surface between semiconductor-
    nick and the metal barrier layer, which transmits the current
    in one direction only. Semiconductors are used
    also for the manufacture of solar cells, thermistors, etc.
    As a semiconductor used silicon, selenium,
    Current sources, consumers and connecting Provo-
    Yes make an electric circuit. Distinguish internal
    and the external circuit: internal electrical
    Kaya chain is formed in the source current; external electric-
    electric chain are the consumers current and wire,
    uniting devices. A characteristic feature of electric-
    tration chain on the car is what one Provo-
    the home is the weight (metal car parts), and
    another wire are insulated wires. In connection
    with this electrical circuit in the car is called one-
    Part of the EMF current source required to overcome
    tion resistance of the external circuit, is called strain-
    eat. The unit of voltage is volts (V).
    The amount of electricity that runs through is
    pepper cross-section of conductor in 1 s is called amperage
    The unit of current is ampere (A).
    Every conductor creates resistance to the passage
    current. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω).
    Between amperage, voltage and resistance of the su-
    there is a dependence, which is determined by the Ohm laws:
    force is proportional to voltage and inversely Pro-
    portionally resistance.
    Work of electric current, executed in unit
    time is called power. Power is measured
    watts (W).
    Electric current passing through a conductor, heater
    for him. The amount of heat released when heated
    proportional to the square of the current, the resistance Pro-
    the Vodnik and the time of passage of current.
    On cars appliances electrical feed-
    HSIA DC. Is called a constant current, which
    which moves in the conductor in one direction only in
    unlike alternating current, which moves in the wire-
    nick in one, in other directions.
    Each constant current source there are two
    pole: positive (+) and negative (–). Legend
    but consider that in the external circuit a DC current is moving
    from the positive pole to the negative. On vehicles
    the pole negative pole of the current source is connected to the Mac
    Soi, ie the metal parts of the car.
    Consumers or current sources can be connected
    interconnected in series and in parallel. When, following him.
    conscious connection negative pole of one source
    nick connects with positive pole of another. In re-
    the result of such connection the total voltage is equal to
    the sum of voltages of all power sources.
    When the voltage of the current source 2 In (in lead Accu-
    mulator) to obtain the 12 V need to connect consecutive
    tional six batteries.
    With a parallel connection of current sources necessary
    should be connect among themselves like poles — Polo-
    positive with positive, negative with negative-
    indeed . In this connection sources
    current total voltage will be the same as from a single source
    nick current. Several batteries connected
    together, form a battery.
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